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July 4, 2023

Financing Your First Real Estate Investment Property with Jasmine Krnjetin REWIND

Financing Your First Real Estate Investment Property with Jasmine Krnjetin REWIND

How do you finance your real estate empire? We delve into strategies for your first investment through leverage and we discuss financial preparation for investing with mortgage broker Jasmine Krnjetin. In our headlines segment, let's talk vacations...

How do you finance your real estate empire? We delve into strategies for your first investment through leverage and we discuss financial preparation for investing with mortgage broker Jasmine Krnjetin. In our headlines segment, let's talk vacations and timeshares. Should you invest in a timeshare to make loads of money? We may have thoughts. Plus, today's Ring Ruth's Rotary hotline caller just might have a real estate strategy that will give you the chills. And then, as icing on this cake, I'll share some primo top-shelf trivia during our property pop quiz. AND Doug’s trivia!